Arizona Summer

by Chance Kafka
Original - Sold
24.000 x 18.000 x 0.500 inches
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Arizona Summer
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
"Arizona Summer" depicts the distant Tucson Mountains at sunset being overtaken by a powerful monsoon downpour and flash of lighting, with the light from the setting sun shooting crepuscular rays into the cloudy sky. Seen from Saguaro National Park just east of the city of Tucson, the silhouette of a saguaro cactus and ocotillo plants stand against the pastel skies that are common during the Arizona summer. Shades of dramatic red, blue, pink, magenta, gold and orange streak across the atmosphere, juxtaposing the darkness of the storm clouds with the light of the horizon.
Summers in Arizona are most notable for their unparalleled heat, days on end of hazy, dusty skies and relentless sun. But traditionally, the month of July brings a bit of reprieve from the heat with incredibly violent thunderstorms sweeping across the desert floor, unleashing torrential rain, crashes of thunder and continuous lighting. These abrupt storms, mixed with the dust in the high atmosphere, create sunset skies for which Arizona is most famous. It was my hope to convey the mood and feel of such a sunset with this impressionistic work. I also worked in a bit of texture (impasto) in the mid-range clouds.
December 14th, 2019