Boar's Tusk, Rock Springs Wyoming

by Chance Kafka
Original - Sold
14.000 x 11.000 x 0.500 inches
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Boar's Tusk, Rock Springs Wyoming
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
The Boar's Tusk, an aptly named ancient volcano rising above the high desert north of Rock Springs, Wyoming, is seen here as a two-track road leads off through the sagebrush toward it. Seen under a big blue sky full of cumulus and cirrus clouds on a warm, windy day. Located amid the Green River Basin, the 7,000+ tall mountain of jagged rock is a curious feature amid the desolate landscape is a popular symbol of southwestern Wyoming.
With vast rolling flats of red dirt broken up by uplifts and buttes, Sweetwater County comprises much of southwestern Wyoming. Denoted by such features as the Killpecker Sand dunes, the Great Divide Basin (one of the rare places where rivers flow neither east or east but simply flow into the basin itself and evaporate) and the Red Desert, this portion of Wyoming is in some ways very different from the rest of the state and very similar in others.
This vast, high-desert region is often overlooked compared to the rest of the state. Most of it is nothing but hundreds of miles of sagebrush and sand. Far away from alpine mountain ranges that break up the rest of the state, southwestern Wyoming is often experienced only by travelers on I-80 dreading the long haul from Rawlins to Evanston. But it is an area of beauty in its own right, with a sense of true solitude. Perhaps the most remarkable feature of this area is its large wild horse population. At any given time, there is a good chance of seeing a herd charging through the desert and playing. There are few other places in the US, if any, where wild horses roam open land roam so freely.
June 30th, 2020
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Comments (53)

Laurel Adams
Today?...destination, Wyoming!! Painted artwork and a mixture of historical and aesthetic narrative fill oneβs soul. Chance, what a STUNNING gift of desert beauty! Thank you for your talent share...LF

Tsc Channa
Chance your talent is really growing . Every time I see your paintings they are one better than the next . Happy painting to you . Awesome . L/F