Elk Mountain, Wyoming

by Chance Kafka
Buy the Original Painting
14.000 x 11.000 x 0.500 inches
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Elk Mountain, Wyoming
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Elk Mountain rises above the plains of southern Wyoming on a warm spring morning. It is the northern apex of the Medicine Bow Mountains (often refered to as the Snowy Range), and is one of the most prominent peaks in Wyoming rising to 11,000 feet above the Laramie, Shirley, and North Platte River valley basins. A buck rail fence crosses the grassland landscape. A little stream can be seen flowing through this western landscape. These intermittent streams often only flow during the spring and parts of the summer from snow-melt, as these high elevation intermontane basins receive significant amounts of snowfall and mountain runoff.
Elk Mountain, situated just inside Carbon County, can be prominently viewed from the community of Rawlins, some 40 miles to the northwest, and dominates a lot of the view along Interstate 80 for travelers crossing southern Wyoming. It is hidden behind other mountains from Laramie, but can be seen in just outside of the city. It is also visible from other small communities such as Hannah, Medicine Bow, Rock River, and just outside of Saratoga. Few other mountains are visible from such a wide area. There is an aptly name town called Elk Mountain along I-80, near Arlington, which is notably one of the windiest and most treacherous stretches of interstate highway in the United States.
It was my hope to take you to this rural, grassy landscape beneath Wyoming's Rocky Mountains on a calm morning beneath blue skies, with this impressionistic, painterly work of art.
July 1st, 2020
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Comments (46)

Laurel Adams
Today?...destination, Wyoming!! Painted artwork and a mixture of historical and aesthetic narrative fill one’s soul. Chance, what a STUNNING gift of desert beauty! Thank you for your talent share...LF

Peggy Collins
The colors really pop on this painting, Chance. Love the rustic fence in the foreground. As always, your mountain landscapes are completely compelling.