Finger Rock Canyon Lightning Storm, Tucson

by Chance Kafka
Original - Sold
14.000 x 11.000 x 0.500 inches
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Finger Rock Canyon Lightning Storm, Tucson
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
A spectacular lightning bolt strikes the Santa Catalina Mountain range north of Tucson, Arizona on a stormy monsoon night during the summer. The light from the electric storm lights up Finger Rock Canyon in beautiful light, as Saguaro Cacti an ocotillos stand amid the Sonoran Desert landscape.
The silhouette of Finger Rock is readily visible as the electrical lightning bolt illuminates the sky. This view can be seen from ascending the Finger Rock Trailhead at the far, northern end of Alvernon Way in the Catalina Foothills. The area is technically closed at night, and lightning in the desert can be especially violent, so I don't recommend you go there and try to watch lightning over the mountains, especially at night, but you can enjoy the beauty of a summer storm at night in this new painting!
June 5th, 2020
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Comments (75)

Laurel Adams
Chance, today, my eye searches for Lightning...I have been blessed to have witnessed some significant thunderstorms and have been fascinated by their power, colours ...FEEL! Love your backstories of them as well...thank you for the beauty! LF

Janet Marie
Interesting that this lightning strike painting was posted the day that lightning struck the Catalina Mountain range, only the Pusch Ridge area. Spectacular is what it is. LF Janet đź’•
Chance Kafka replied:
Yes Janet, I noticed that too. I believe I uploaded it only a couple of hours prior. No storms were predicted that day either. Thanks for your comment!

Janet Marie
Congratulations! Your artwork has been featured on the Homepage of the “Beauty Of Arizona” Art Group for the week of Friday, (06/12/20). You are welcome to submit your artwork in the Group's discussion thread “2020 Thanks and Features Archive April-June." Thank you for sharing your artwork and being a member of the group. like/fave