Finger Rock Trail Snow, Tucson, Arizona

by Chance Kafka
Buy the Original Painting
16.000 x 20.000 x 0.500 inches
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Finger Rock Trail Snow, Tucson, Arizona
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Snow has fallen on the Santa Catalina Mountains, Finger Rock, and the Catalina foothills just to the north of Tucson, Arizona. The Finger Rock trail is seen here, passing by some Saguaro Cacti and an ocotillo on its way through to the canyon to the summit of Mount Kimball, passing by the magical Finger Rock monolith on the way.
This snowfall occurred overnight and has stuck around for this particularly cold morning, but it won't last long as the low winter sunlight will give just enough warmth to melt all the snow in the lower elevations in a short amount of time. Instances like this in Sonoran Desert of the American Southwest are truly rare, but incredible when they happen. I would imagine this to be right around Christmas in the December holiday season.
It is my hope that this impressionistic landscape fills you with a sense of wonder of snow in the desert. As an added touch, I added two magic snowbirds in the upper right corner.
July 12th, 2019