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Four Peaks Stars Painting by Chance Kafka

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Comments (52)

Paisley Marten

Paisley Marten

Congratulations on your sale!

Mona Edulesco

Mona Edulesco

Congratulations on the FAA Tony Award Win for the month of August 2020, Chance! Love this gorgeous nightscape painting! You so masterfully depicted the night light and mood... LF!

Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you very much!

Georgia Mizuleva

Georgia Mizuleva

So splendid.

Stephen Thomas

Stephen Thomas

Beautiful! Outstanding painting!

Tsc Channa

Tsc Channa

Wow so beautifully painted by yourself Chance . You have covered a milestone in painting with different mediums . Nice work my friend . L/F

Brian Tada

Brian Tada

Magnificent colors, light, textures and perspective in this superb landscape portrait, Chance! Birthday blessings! F/L

Laurel Adams

Laurel Adams


Peggy Collins

Peggy Collins

Lovely and mysterious painting, Chance! The stardust is always a bonus in your work.

Shoal Hollingsworth

Shoal Hollingsworth

This is gorgeous work Chance

Bellesouth Studio

Bellesouth Studio

Love the image!

Rudy Umans

Rudy Umans

Excellent work!

Judi Dressler

Judi Dressler


Ella Kaye Dickey

Ella Kaye Dickey


John Trommer

John Trommer

Very nice work.

Marcy Wielfaert

Marcy Wielfaert

Revisiting this beauty...

Domingo Rod

Domingo Rod

So lovely, Beautiful work chance!

Dana Hardy

Dana Hardy

Wonderful work!

Marcy Wielfaert

Marcy Wielfaert

Beautifully done, Chance!

Vadim Levin

Vadim Levin

Great work!

Anna Serebryanik

Anna Serebryanik

Wonderful work!

Robert McAlpine

Robert McAlpine


Delphimages Photo Creations

Delphimages Photo Creations


Alex Mir

Alex Mir

Beautiful painting!

Cathy Mahnke

Cathy Mahnke

Wonderful work

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Four Peaks Stars by Chance Kafka
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