Green River Lakes and Squaretop Mountain

by Chance Kafka
Buy the Original Painting
14.000 x 11.000 x 0.500 inches
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Green River Lakes and Squaretop Mountain
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
The Green River Lakes high in the Wind River Mountains of western Wyoming reflect Squaretop Mountain and early morning light on a cool, ambient summer morning. The headwaters of the mighty Green River begin in these series of alpine lakes at the foot of glacial, towering peaks around 50 miles northeast of Pindedale, the seat of Sublette County, in the rugged wilderness of Bridger-Teton National Forest. Alpine forest dots the foothills and ridges of this mountainous setting.
The Wind River Mountain Range is one of the most prominent in Wyoming, beginning not too far from the conjunction of Teton and Yellowstone National Parks and extending over 100 miles to the southeast, ending at South Pass (which was used by pioneers along the Oregon Trail to skirt the mountains). They offer countless photo and painting opportunities, being one of Wyoming's premier Rocky Mountain landscapes, and are revered throughout the American West.
This iconic setting, as remote and pristine as it may be, is one of the most popular destinations in Wyoming for artists and photographers. It currently adorns the state's license plate. I should note that the Wind River Mountains are the only major range in Wyoming I have not visited up close and personal, instead only seeing from afar. It was always my intention to visit them but then I moved to Arizona. Still, I hoped to capture the beautiful mood of morning wilderness in Wyoming with this painting.
June 29th, 2020
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Comments (54)

Laurel Adams
Today?...destination, Wyoming!! Painted artwork and a mixture of historical and aesthetic narrative fill one’s soul. Chance, what a STUNNING gift of desert beauty! Thank you for your talent share...LF

Laurel Adams
Another beauty, Chance...the colours are WONDERFUL,...the feeling of Silence is so inviting! Deep moments...when one can BREATHE!...WONDERful!..lf