Jackson Hole and Grand Teton Autumn Lake, Wyoming

by Chance Kafka
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 16.000 x 0.500 inches
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Jackson Hole and Grand Teton Autumn Lake, Wyoming
Chance Kafka
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Autumn has come to the iconic Jackson Hole valley of northwestern Wyoming. The faint morning light strikes snow capped Grand Teton as it is reflected in a lake on a chilly fall morning. Trees common to the landscape including pines and firs line the shoreline ring the water of the lake.
The Grand Tetons are among the most distinguished mountain ranges in Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain West, a region of many dramatic, bold mountain chains in North America. Grand Teton National Park abuts Yellowstone National Park and offers some of the finest mountain views in the United States.
It was my hope to convey the serene, moody feel of a cloudy fall day in the Rockies and high country of Wyoming. This impressionistic landscape is a result of returning to explorations in oil paint on canvas.
September 21st, 2019
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Comments (46)

Laurel Adams
Today?...destination, Wyoming!! Painted artwork and a mixture of historical and aesthetic narrative fill one’s soul. Chance, what a STUNNING gift of desert beauty! Thank you for your talent share...LF

Amy E Fraser
Spectacular Painting Chance! What an amazing view! Beautiful color, love the reflection! Awesome!