Medicine Bow Peak and Lake Marie

by Chance Kafka
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 16.000 x 0.500 inches
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Medicine Bow Peak and Lake Marie
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
This new impressionistic landscape painting featured mighty Medicine Bow Peak and Lake Marie on a pristine morning. Hidden partially by trees, this high-elevation lake is home to some of the clearest, coldest water in southern Wyoming. Fed by the glacial ice of the granite peaks of the range (officially known as the Medicine Bow Mountains), Lake Marie is not far off of the Snowy Range Scenic Byway. Designated as Wyoming State Highway 130, this 70 or so mile-long highway heads westward from Laramie across the vast, windswept Laramie Valley before ascending the Snowy Range, cutting and twisting through stunning vistas and lake-filled canyons before descending through miles of forest into the Platte River Valley and into Saratoga. I have fond memories of this spectacular highway, which is closed half the year due to snow. There is never a bad view of Medicine Bow Peak from the rocky, tree-laden shores of the many lakes at its base.
The Medicine Bow Mountains are nicknamed the Snowy Range for the sheer volume of snow they receive throughout the year, and Medicine Bow Peak reaches above 12,000 feet. They are apart of the southern Rocky Mountain chain of North America and are the highest mountains of southern Wyoming and are the most prominent feature west of Laramie.
Wyoming weather changes quickly, and its high elevation lends to unusual coloring in the icy atmosphere above. During sunrise and sunset, it is very common for the sky to take on a warm, orange glow which is cast across the landscape as seen here.
November 12th, 2019