Mission Beach Sunset and Sailboat Impression

by Chance Kafka
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 16.000 x 0.500 inches
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Mission Beach Sunset and Sailboat Impression
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
A majestic sunset is seen over the grand Pacific Ocean from the shoreline of Mission Beach in San Diego, California, The glowing orb of the late day summer sun casts light onto the water before falling behind the marine layer for the evening. A leisurely sailboat passes by, and the cliffs of La Jolla to the north are faintly visible on the right.
Footprints of beachgoers lead to the foamy water where the waves always crash into the sand, as two seagulls fly overhead. This painting was inspired by a spectacular sunset observed by my girlfriend and I on a recent trip to San Diego. I cannot think of anymore peaceful feeling than seeing the sun set over the water; there is almost a spiritual aspect to it that I hoped to convey in this impressionistic painting.
June 1st, 2023
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