Picacho Peak Clouds

by Chance Kafka
Picacho Peak Clouds
Chance Kafka
Photograph - Photography
Brilliant clouds fill the sky over Picacho Peak at Picacho Peak State Park in southern Arizona. A brilliant showcase of the diverse landscapes of the Sonoran Desert, this mountain is readily visible from travelers between Tucson and Phoenix along I-10. Saguaro cacti can be seen dotting the lush spring time desert, alive with tones of gold and green. The spectacular peak is located approximately between the Tucson Metro and Casa Grande, and is a renowned spot in the American Southwest for its springtime color. The dramatic "popcorn" clouds enhance the drama and intrigue of the scene.
March 23rd, 2020
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Comments (46)

Laurel Adams
Chance, who better to know your favorites than the artist? ...I love your choices of this FAVORITES COLLECTION! I truly thought this was one of your paintings,..You paint and compose even with your photographic lens! You truly raise the bar of FINE ART Photography,..:-) Thank you for the glimpses of BEAUTY this day! ..LF