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Picacho Peak Clouds Photograph by Chance Kafka

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Comments (46)

Piter Van Moort

Piter Van Moort

Congratulations on your sale, Chance!

Laurel Adams

Laurel Adams

Chance, who better to know your favorites than the artist? ...I love your choices of this FAVORITES COLLECTION! I truly thought this was one of your paintings,..You paint and compose even with your photographic lens! You truly raise the bar of FINE ART Photography,..:-) Thank you for the glimpses of BEAUTY this day! ..LF

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

The clouds are so cool!

Peggy Collins

Peggy Collins

Amazing cloud action with this scenic painting, Chance!

Helena Bilkova

Helena Bilkova


Jerry Bokowski

Jerry Bokowski

Great clouds to showcase Picacho, Chance!...fav / like

Jeff Iverson

Jeff Iverson

Great work!

Lucinda Walter

Lucinda Walter

What a great shot and those clouds! Wow. l/f

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Excellent composition and artwork! Fl

David Beard

David Beard

Great capture!

Rudy Umans

Rudy Umans


Gary Richards

Gary Richards

I used to hike that area when I lived there for a few summers. It is a very beautiful place for sure as your image shows. Very nice work, Chance.

Judi Dressler

Judi Dressler

Wonderful image!

Bellesouth Studio

Bellesouth Studio

Nicely done!

Dana Hardy

Dana Hardy

Wonderful capture!

Cathy Anderson

Cathy Anderson

Great image !!

Robert McAlpine

Robert McAlpine

Beautiful work

Hans Egil Saele

Hans Egil Saele

Fantastic clouds, great capture!

Patricia Hofmeester

Patricia Hofmeester

Beautiful capture!

Maggie McCall

Maggie McCall


Alex Mir

Alex Mir

Stunning capture!

Leif Sohlman

Leif Sohlman

Picacho Peak Clouds is a beautiful nature capture Chance

Cathy Mahnke

Cathy Mahnke

Wonderful work

Joan Stratton

Joan Stratton

Great capture :)

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Picacho Peak Clouds by Chance Kafka
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