Santa Catalina Spring

by Chance Kafka
Santa Catalina Spring
Chance Kafka
Photograph - Photography
The splendor of spring in the desert is on display here as lush greenery has overtaken the foothills and mountainsides of the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson, Arizona. Yellow brittlebrush, the red blooms of the ocotillos, and mighty saguaros with their own blooms ready to open any day stand against the evening light casting its last rays upon these moutnains that tower over the Old Pueblo.
This series of images was taken hiking around trying to recover from a cold, and thinking moving around and getting fresh air might help. I don't know if it helped, but seeing these views made me forget feeling cruddy in the moment.
April 28th, 2019
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Comments (21)

Deb Halloran
Chance, The desert has as beauty all its own and you have certainly captured that beauty in this gorgeous landscape. Beautiful sunlight, shadows and colors...nicely photographed. L/F