Sedona Black and White Landscape, Courthouse Butte

by Chance Kafka
Sedona Black and White Landscape, Courthouse Butte
Chance Kafka
Photograph - Photography
Here we see the "other" side of Courthouse Butte in Sedona, Arizona in black and white. This dramatic southwestern landscape is especially appealing in black and white. Situated along the Mogollon Rim in Northern Arizona, the rock formations surrounding Sedona are world-famous and some of the best the desert has to offer. The textured cirrus clouds add a lot of drama and depth to the sky.
May 23rd, 2020
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Comments (49)

Gull G
“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” — Vincent Van Gogh 💖 Congratulations on your recent sale of this amazing Work!

Jacek Dudzinski
Nice job! Keep up the good work! Great talent. I really would apreciate your feedback of my Photography ;-)

Laurel Adams
Today, I am turning the gaze to YOUR COLLECTION, BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY. There is a POWER within the realm of black and white photography that underpins The ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS of your FINE Art Color PHOTOGRAPHY and understanding of one’s aesthetic as foundational to the understanding of the dance of colour. No wonder your Both your photographic and hand art portfolios are “well composed”, Chance!..LF

Calvin Boyer
In addition to the banner, I am adding this more permanent recognition of its FEATURE on the homepage of A TREE OR TREES IN BLACK AND WHITE. I try mightily to feature only images that would be at home in a juried competition. No doubt that this image fits that bill. CONGRATULATIONS! And consider adding your image to DISCUSSIONS "Please post your featured photograph here" for greater, long-lasting visibility.