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Windy Point Sunset Photograph by Chance Kafka

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Comments (53)

John Trommer

John Trommer

Great image!

Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Dana Hardy

Dana Hardy


Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz


Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Marcy Wielfaert

Marcy Wielfaert

Lovely image, Chance!

Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Delphimages Photo Creations

Delphimages Photo Creations

Terrific !

Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

George Afostovremea

George Afostovremea

Beautiful composition !

Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Joan Stratton

Joan Stratton

Wonderful capture :)

Chance Kafka replied:

thank you!

Anita Pollak

Anita Pollak


Chance Kafka replied:

thank you!

Steve Karol

Steve Karol


Chance Kafka replied:


Karen Cook

Karen Cook how the light warms the rocks

Chance Kafka replied:

Indeed, thanks!!

Bill Gallagher

Bill Gallagher

Beautiful Arizona sunset.

Chance Kafka replied:

Thanks so much!!

Terri Waters

Terri Waters

Wonderful sunset image

Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Silvio Ligutti

Silvio Ligutti


Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Terry Davis

Terry Davis


Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Judy Jones

Judy Jones


Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Chante Moody

Chante Moody

Wow, breathtaking! Pinned/Liked?Favorited

Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you so much :)

Ben Stein

Ben Stein

Hi Chance, A brillant image of the fading sun over the horizon! The perspcetive is amazing as it cariies the eye straight to the heart of the setting Sun! L/F.

Chance Kafka replied:

thank you so much Ben, glad you like it!

Barbara Chichester

Barbara Chichester

awesome sunset image!

Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Linda Brody

Linda Brody


Chance Kafka replied:

thank you!

Joan Stratton

Joan Stratton

Lovely capture, Chance ;)

Chance Kafka replied:

Many thanks!

Sharon McConnell

Sharon McConnell

Beautiful sunset!

Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Marlin and Laura Hum

Marlin and Laura Hum

Spectacular shot, Chance!

Chance Kafka replied:

Many thanks!

Amy Dundon

Amy Dundon

Great landscape image!

Chance Kafka replied:

thank you!

Judy Jones

Judy Jones


Chance Kafka replied:

Thank you!

Norma Brandsberg

Norma Brandsberg


Chance Kafka replied:


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Windy Point Sunset by Chance Kafka
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