NEOWISE Comet over Arizona Desert

by Chance Kafka
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 16.000 x 0.500 inches
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NEOWISE Comet over Arizona Desert
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
The NEOWISE (Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) comet is seen in the northwestern sky above the Santa Catalina Mountains near Tucson, Arizona on a partly cloudy night as the crescent moon sets in the sky. Saguaro cacti, monarchs of the Sonoran Desert, dot this southwestern landscape beneath a magical night sky and stars.
NEOWISE is a comet with a super elliptical orbit that, like most comets, swings in from the way outer reaches of our solar system and passed near earth only every several thousand years. The summer of 2020 provided an opportunity to see this comet in the early morning and evening skies during July. Unfortunately, with it being monsoon season, it was impossible for me to find the right time to capture this celestial object as it was very cloudy every evening. So, I decided to paint it instead. This setting is somewhere to the east of urban Tucson - perhaps Sabino Canyon, or somewhere in the Tanque Verde Valley. Pusch Peak and Mount Kimball of the Pusch Ridge Wilderness are visible, as is part of the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) constellation is visible. I hope you enjoy this painterly, impressionistic interpretation of the magical night sky over the Arizona desert - a once in a lifetime event portrayed on canvas.
July 24th, 2020
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Comments (104)

Laurel Adams
Chance, I am casting a glance at your love for Arizona landscape...painting or ....photograph??...Your Fine Art Painting skills often have me smiling when I think one and its the other!...beautiful work...the bold colour, open skies and desert silhouette...MAGNIFICENT! ..LF

Tejsweena Krishan
I make wish to always follow my heart with the soul, Amen! And this is how beautiful this creation is! :)

Laurel Adams
CHANCE, This is such an amazing Painting!...love the reflections, the colours and FEEL! BRAVO!..LF

Janet Marie
Congratulations! Your artwork has been featured on the Homepage of the “Beauty Of Arizona” Art Group for the week of Friday, (07/31/20). You are welcome to submit your artwork in the Group's discussion thread “2020 Thanks and Features Archive July-Sept." Thank you for sharing your artwork and being a member of the group. like/fave