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Chiricahua Mountains Sunset Panorama, Arizona Photograph by Chance Kafka

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Comments (72)

Rick Hansen

Rick Hansen

Congratulations on your sale!!

Stefano Senise

Stefano Senise

Congratulations on your sale! :)

Gull G

Gull G

Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life. -- Congratulations on your recent sale

Laurel Adams

Laurel Adams

HERE COMES THE SUN!...Chance, today’s gaze turns to viewer’s choice in your MOST POPULAR Collection where the most common thread appears to be the radiance of the sun.. Beautiful images, all...this one is among my personal favorites of the favorites...:-) LF

Darius Xmitixmith

Darius Xmitixmith

Outstanding Photo.

Charlotte Gray

Charlotte Gray

Gorgeous work! l/f.

Al Fio Bonina

Al Fio Bonina

Terrific! Bravo!

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta


Lucinda Walter

Lucinda Walter

What a very beautiful panorama of the Chiricahua Mts. Gorgeous work lf

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Gorgeous! LF P

VIVA Anderson

VIVA Anderson

Chance, highest compliments, kudos....on this exquisite full of amazing light, terrain....gets a WOW !!..fv....VIVA

Jeff Burgess

Jeff Burgess

Love this work.

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

this is gorgeous. L/F

Janet Marie

Janet Marie

Congratulations! Your artwork has been featured on the Homepage of the “Beauty Of Arizona” Art Group for the week of Friday, (07/10/20). You are welcome to submit your artwork in the Group's discussion thread “2020 Thanks and Features Archive July-Sept." Thank you for sharing your artwork and being a member of the group. like/fave

Douglas Taylor

Douglas Taylor

Magnificent photography, Chance! Marvelous composition and spectacular color from this remarkable landscape. V/F

Janet Felts

Janet Felts

Beautiful work!

Allen Beatty

Allen Beatty

Gorgeous sunset pano !!

Anita Pollak

Anita Pollak


Al Fio Bonina

Al Fio Bonina

Wonderful image!

Katherine Erickson

Katherine Erickson

So pretty!

Shoal Hollingsworth

Shoal Hollingsworth

This is really gorgeous

Lynn Bauer

Lynn Bauer


Bellesouth Studio

Bellesouth Studio

Chance, I love this! Beautiful colors.

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Chiricahua Mountains Sunset Panorama, Arizona by Chance Kafka
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