Finger Rock Trail Night, Tucson, Arizona

by Chance Kafka
Original - Sold
Not Specified
16.000 x 20.000 x 0.500 inches
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Finger Rock Trail Night, Tucson, Arizona
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
The Finger Rock Trail is illuminated by the magical starlight of the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains just north of Tucson, Arizona. The trail is aptly named for a curious rock formation just to the left of Mount Kimball that resembles a finger pointing skyward in a saddle between two jagged peaks. It is one of my favorite features of the Tucson area to look and a highlight of the majestic range.
I set this impressionistic southwestern landscape in spring time. Floral blooms are in full swing as the saguaro cactus, barrel cactus, prickly pear cacti, ocotillo, creosote bushes, and Mexican Gold Poppies are all showing off their flowers in the shadow of the mysterious night. The Sonoran Desert is one of the most beautiful places in the world, especially under the stars, and it is my hope to capture the dreamy aura and feel and such with this imaginative nocturne, with deep shades of mysterious blue. Polaris (the North Star) is also visible.
The special starlight in this painting allows all of the desert to show off their colors in a harmony only possible in my mind, as many of these plants actually close at night and boom at different times of the year.
~This painting will be on display and for sale in the Tubac Center of the Art's Member's Juried Show in Tubac, Arizona (1 hour south of Tucson on I-19) until January 2, 2020. The opening night reception will be on Friday, November 22 at 5pm.
~This painting took 2nd place in the "ART CREATED IN SEPTEMBER 2019" out of 172 submissions on FAA, October, 2019~
September 25th, 2019
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Comments (216)

Laurel Adams
...v...best to you, Chance!......AGAIN, CONGRATULATIONS, AUGUST 2020 FAA TONY AWARD WINNER! Thank you for all the joy And beauty You Bring each and everyone of us,

Laurel Adams
Chance, who better to know your favorites than the artist? ...I love your choices of this FAVORITES COLLECTION! This one of your paintings is truly “composed” on the Light beams of Inspired Beauty!! You truly raise the bar of FINE ART! Thank you for the glimpses of BEAUTY this day! ..LF

Laurel Adams
SPELLBINDING! Chance, what a beautiful entry! The glimpses of beauty and historical narratives you weave in your description tabs make it difficult to leave your site.. Visiting your portfolio is much like taking a vacation into the desert, especially...into the DESERT NIGHTs!! MAGNIFICENT! Thank you for your glimpses that leave me breathless. Best to you In your aesthetic and certainly in this contest!...LF