Moonrise over Tucson, Arizona

by Chance Kafka
Moonrise over Tucson, Arizona
Chance Kafka
Photograph - Photography
The moon rises over downtown Tucson on Christmas Eve. Seen from A Mountain (also known as Sentinel Peak), the ghostly outline of the Santa Catalina Mountains can be seen rising in the background.
The skyscrapers of the Old Pueblo are adorned with Christmas lights in the spirit of the holiday season, and the waning gibbous moon serves as an excellent focal point to this glowing, night time scene.
Night time photography is among my favorite types of photography and requires a lot of patience, persistence, and good batteries for the long exposures required.
January 6th, 2019
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Comments (22)

Phyllis Kaltenbach
WOW! You have done a great job on setting up this beautiful capture, Chance! The right words aren't coming to me right now, but this is gorgeous! V/L

Randy Burns
Ah, the moon rising over this city skyline is wonderful Chance. I love the aura of golden light and the composition in your work here. F/L/TW.

Virginia Giblin
It never occurred to me that Tucson would be so orange at night
Chance Kafka replied:
it has lighting that has to comply with dark sky ordinances because of the observatories - and the moon was pretty orange then too - thanks for stopping by!