Tucson Winter Landscape

by Chance Kafka
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 20.000 x 0.500 inches
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Tucson Winter Landscape
Chance Kafka
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Fresh-fallen rare winter snow befalls Finger Rock in the Catalina Mountains north of Tucson, Arizona near sunset. Saguaro cacti and ocotillos dot the magical, wintry desert landscape. While snow is very rare in southern Arizona at lower elevations, but is not impossible. I have always found snow-covered Sonoran Desert landscapes to be particularly beautiful. The Finger Rock trailhead originates at the far northern end of N Alvernon in the Catalina Foothills and eventually ascends to the peak of Mount Kimball, which is the east of Bighorn Peak and Finger Rock in the Pusch Ridge Wilderness. Two magical snowbirds appear in the top right corner of the painting.
February 22nd, 2021
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Janet Marie
Congratulations, for the Homepage Feature, in the Art Group, “BEAUTY OF ARIZONA,” for the week of Friday, February 26, 2021! You are welcome to submit your featured artwork in the groups discussion thread, “2021 NEW Thanks & Features Archive January thru March!” Thank you for sharing your artwork and being a member of the group. like/fave Janet🌵